
Rodomi įrašai nuo rugsėjo 3, 2017

Marijampolė mayoral election (September 10, 2017) (round 1)

Marijampolė's municipality (dark green) (source: ) Contenders Gediminas Akelaitis ( Lietuvos centro partija - LCP  ( Lithuanian Center Party )) Karolis Dvylys ( Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga - LVŽS  ( Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union )) Irena Lunskienė ( Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija -  LSDP  ( Social Democratic Party of Lithuania )) Dobilas Sinkevičius ( partija ,,Tvarka ir teisingumas “  - TT  ( party "Order and Justice" )) Saulius Skinkys ( Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis - LRLS  ( Liberal Movement of Republic of Lithuania )) Gintaras Skaramočius ( independent ) Kęstutis Traškevičius ( Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai - TS-LKD  ( Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania )) Algis Žvaliauskas ( independent ) So when we have so many candidates, important question arises - who will this mayor...

Municipalities (part 1)

Municipaties in Lithuania (each municipality is represented by its coat of arms) (source: ) Basics In Lithuania there are 59 municipalities. These bodies are administrated by the munipacility's council (led by the mayor) and administration (led by the director). Council basically is observing municipality's agencies and etc., while municipality's administration is preparing evidence for council's meetings, preparing municipality's bugdet and etc. Municipality councils have one meeting each month (if necessary - two meetings if e. g. there is need to appoint interim mayor). 'Size Matters' Size of municipality's council depends from number of the people living in the municipality. By the Local self-government election law ( version of this law in Lithuanian language ) size of the municipality varies as following: number of elected councilors - nu...