Marijampolė mayoral election (September 10, 2017) (round 1)
Marijampolė's municipality (dark green) (source: |
- Gediminas Akelaitis (Lietuvos centro partija - LCP (Lithuanian Center Party))
- Karolis Dvylys (Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga - LVŽS (Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union))
- Irena Lunskienė (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija - LSDP (Social Democratic Party of Lithuania))
- Dobilas Sinkevičius (partija ,,Tvarka ir teisingumas“ - TT (party "Order and Justice"))
- Saulius Skinkys (Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis - LRLS (Liberal Movement of Republic of Lithuania))
- Gintaras Skaramočius (independent)
- Kęstutis Traškevičius (Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai - TS-LKD (Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania))
- Algis Žvaliauskas (independent)
So when we have so many candidates, important question arises - who will this mayoral election ?
Possible winners
1. Irena Lunskienė (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija - LSDP (Social Democratic Party of Lithuania))
a) Marijampolė's municipality has been very supportive to the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania since 2002.
b) Candidate is municipality's deputy mayor (and interim mayor at the same time) so she can use administrative resources (e. g. public knowledge) in her advantage.
2. Kęstutis Traškevičius (Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai - TS-LKD (Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania))
a) Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania is the biggest opposition party and until 2002 had been a leading party in Marijampolė's municipality.
b) Candidate was municipality's deputy mayor between 2011 and 2015 so he can persuade his experience in politics.
b) Candidate was municipality's deputy mayor between 2011 and 2015 so he can persuade his experience in politics.
State of play after victory one of the candidates
1. Irena Lunskienė (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija - LSDP (Social Democratic Party of Lithuania))
- Between 2015 and 2016 Marijampolė's municipality was led by majority of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania which vanished with Rimantas Brazys' (previous municipality's mayor) death. So it is important for party to get mayority back in municility's council.
2. Kęstutis Traškevičius (Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai - TS-LKD (Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania))
- Coalition between the Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania (represented by municipality's mayor) and the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania would look very bizarre. This strange position will be presented by the numbers of coalition partners as the Homeland Union - Christian Democrats of Lithuania will be represented by 5 members (4 plus municipality's mayor) and Social Democratic Party of Lithuania will be represented by 13 members.
Possible outcome
Irena Lunskienė's (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija - LSDP (Social Democratic Party of Lithuania)) victory although share Social Democratic Party of Lithuania may stay stable (not to grow as usually happens in by-elections).
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