Beginning of the blog
This blog will be concentrated on national politics in Lithuania. Local (municipalities) politics will be also featured, if events there will influence national affairs and/or local (municipality's) politician will be leader of national party.
Local (municipalities) politics coverage has one difficulty - Lithuania has 59 municipalities so writing about each of them might not be an option (this may be straight way to the blog's split as Owan Donowan has shown).
Political system of Lithuania
(source: |
This blog will have these type of posts:
1) presentations
These presentations will come up to specific matters (e. g. elections in one particular municipality).
2) yearly round-ups
Round-ups will be released in autumn.
Basic rules (for commentators)
- Comments should be written in English (comments in other languages will be ignored).
- No ranting on other commentators.
- No advertising in the comments.
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