Opinion polls


In Lithuania there are four companies, which are conducting opinion polls. These companies are:
  • Vilmorus
  • Baltijos tyrimai
  • Spinter tyrimai
  • RAIT
Each company is in partnership with media groups. These media are:
  • Lietuvos rytas
  • ELTA
  • Delfi
  • Baltic News Service
These companies are taking samples from 1000 respondents (or more), so polls might more reliable than those, which were collected in Austria (most polls there have 600-700 respondents on average).

'True' opinion of respondents

Most of the respondents are talking about what they really think (in most cases, they put one party in the first place, because that party was put in that position by the media outlets). Simply saying, majority of the respondents do not want to look like losers by their choice.

One example might be recorded in October 2016, when Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union won most seats in 2016-2020 Seimas. Opinion polls is shown below

(source: http://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/180806/apklausa_rinkeju_kantrybe_tirpsta)

Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union bacame one of the leading parties in national politics on October 2016 (when elections to the Seimas took place). After this 'bump' the party is one of dominant parties in the Lithuania, although it didn't have as many seats in municipaties' councils as the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania and the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats were.

 Underestimates and overestimate

 Speaking about opinion poll companies, these issues needs to be emphesized.

  • Undersestimation (e. g. Baltijos tyrimai always (Ą) underestimated the Homeland Union's support) (political observer and professor of Mykolas Riomeris University Virgis Valentinavičius on October 11, 2020 stated tahat the [Baltijos tyrimai] should think about continioutial of their activities).



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